Alana Tyson
Alana Tyson’s work attempts to make sense of the world she inhabits. As an immigrant to the UK and a natural observer, she feels highly responsive to the contradictions of everyday life. Her uncertain questioning of diverse thematic concepts is a tactic for working through the problems she encounters, incorporating performance, sculpture and installation utilising found, altered and constructed elements.
Tyson is drawn to dualities and incongruities. A commonality between her chosen materials is their link to domesticity. Everyday items, such as suit lining or crochet cotton, become carriers of meaning and reflections upon Tyson’s deep-rooted responses. The material contrasts and tension within Tyson’s work transforms the mundane into the visceral.
Significant recent exhibitions by Alana Tyson include Miles of Creativity, MOSTYN, Llandudno (2017); NOVA Art Prize, Royal Cambrian Academy (2017); A Darker Thread, Oriel Myrddin Gallery, Carmarthen (2017); Crafting Anatomies: Materials, Performance, Identity, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham (2015); Decision Time, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee (2014); Scythia 10 International Textiles Biennale, Kherson Ukraine (2014); Shades by the Seaside, Bathing Machine Intervention, Llawn02 Festival, Llandudno (2014).
Tyson was the recipient of the Ignac And Karla Herskovic Memorial Scholarship (2006), and has received support from the Alberta Foundation for The Arts (2006), an Artist Bursary (2013), and the Arts Council Of Wales (2013, 2014/15). In 2015 she was artist in resident at Ruthin Craft Centre in Wales .
Alana Tyson is a Welsh-Canadian artist. Born in Canada, she graduated from the Alberta College of Art And Design in 2006, with a BFA (Hons) degree in Painting. She moved to the UK In 2007 and currently lives in North Wales.
Trwy ei gwaith, mae Alana Tyson yn ceisio gwneud synnwyr o'r byd y mae'n byw ynddo. Fel mewnfudwr i'r DU a hithau hefyd yn arsyllwraig trwy reddf, mae'n ymatebol iawn i anghysondebau bywyd bob dydd.
Mae ei holi ansicr o gysyniadau thematig amrywiol yn ddull o weithio trwy'r problemau y mae'n wynebu, gan gyfuno perfformio, cerflunio a mewnosodiadau sy'n defnyddio elfennau o bethau canfyddedig, wedi'u haddasu ac wedi'u creu.
Denir Tyson gan ddeuoliaethau ac anghysondebau. Cysondeb rhwng y deunyddiau a ddewisia yw eu cyswllt â'r cartref. Daw gwrthrychau pob dydd, megis leinin siwt neu gotwm wedi'i grosio, yn ddargludwyr o ystyr a myfyrdodau ar ymatebion dwfn Tyson. Ceir gwrthgyferbyniad rhwng y deunyddiau ac mae'r tensiwn yng nghwaith Tyson yn trawsnewid y bydol i'r greddfol.
Ymhlith arddangosfeydd diweddar pwysig Alana Tyson mae Crafting Anatomies: Materials, Performance, Identity, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham (2015); Decision Time, Dundee Contemporary Arts, Dundee (2014); Scythia 10 International Textiles Biennale, Kherson Ukraine (2014); Shades by the Seaside, Bathing Machine Intervention, Gyl Llawn02, Llandudno (2014).
Derbyniodd Tyson Ysgoloriaeth Goffaol Ignac a Karla Herskovic (2006), ac mae wedi derbyn cefnogaeth gan yr Alberta Foundation for The Arts (2006), Bwrsariaeth Artist (2013), a chan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru (2013, 2014/15). Yn 2015 bu'n artist preswyl yng Nghanolfan Gelf Rhuthun yng Nghymru ac ym Mhrifysgol y Celfyddydau Creadigol yn Lloegr. Mae wrthi, ar hyn o bryd, yn datblygu 'Power in the Land' sef prosiect sy'n ymateb i ddadgomisiynu yr atomfa niwclear olaf yng Nghymru, fydd yn teithio'r DU yn 2016/17.
Artist Cymreig-Ganadaidd yw Alana Tyson. Fe'i ganed yn Nghanada a graddiodd o'r Alberta College of Art and Design yn 2006 gyda BFA (Anrh) mewn Paentio. Mudodd i'r DU yn 2007 ac mae'n byw ar hyn o bryd yng Ngogledd Cymru.
© Alana Tyson 2020